Kaplan Kirsch has played roles in four significant aspects of the redevelopment of the Denver Union Station site and the related transportation infrastructure over the past fourteen years:
- Served as part of the team selected to prepare the Master Plan for the redevelopment of the site and the plans for the light rail, commuter rail, AMTRAK, and bus operations.
- Represented the master developer selected in 2006 to redevelop the 19.5 acre site. The project includes approximately $500 million of public infrastructure to establish Denver Union Station as the multi-modal transit hub for the Metropolitan Denver region, and in excess of $500 million of private development. The public infrastructure included TIFIA and RRIF loans as well as a significant tax increment component to repay the Federal loans. Our team advised the master developer on land use and zoning, governance, development agreements, and public financing issues associated with this project.
- Represented the Regional Transportation District (RTD) in negotiations with the railroads for corridor acquisition or shared usage rights. We also negotiated with the Federal Railroad Administration and Amtrak concerning the reconfiguration of tracks and related facilities.
- Served as part of the legal team that represented RTD on the EAGLE P3 Project, a $2 billion commuter rail project, with the main line running from Denver Union Station to Denver International Airport. This is the largest, most significant transit P3 project in the country. Revenue service began in April 2016.